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Who's here?

There are more than 230 organisations involved or associated with renewable energy in Edinburgh, including 27 major developers/producers and two of the world’s 30 largest companies.

Wind energy companies include Mitsubishi Power Systems Europe, Artemis Intelligent Power, EDP Renewables, Wind Prospect, Vattenfall Wind Power, Eurowind UK, NGenTec, Senvion and PNE Wind.

The Institute for Energy Systems at the University of Edinburgh is home to the SuperGen UK Centre for Marine Energy Research, and is both founder and chair of the Ocean Energy Group, part of the European Energy Research Alliance. The Institute also works closely with the The FloWave TT Ocean Energy Research Facility, the world’s most sophisticated ocean simulator.

Around 50 companies are involved with solar energy, including Green Energy Partners, Rybka, Christie and Ross, AKD Solar, Vento Ludens and SRT EcoBuild. The Scottish Institute for Solar Energy Research (SISER) is based at Heriot-Watt University.

More than 60 organisations are focused on the development of micro-renewables or biofuels, including Christie and Ross, Latent Heat, Logan Energy, On Site Generation, Greenpower Technology, Renewable Devices and Mitsubishi Electrical, as well as the Biofuel Research Centre at Edinburgh Napier University.

The city is home not only to representatives of the renewable energy sector, but also to research, development and expertise in each of the sub-sectors that contains.